Discover Bank

As one of the most well-known financial institutions, Discover Bank offers reward credit cards, online banking, home equity loans, student loans, and personal loans.

Role Senior UI Designer · UX Writer

Partners  Client · Creative Director · Information Architect · Content Designer · Engineering

Deliverables High-fidelity · Design System

Tools Illustrator · Photoshop

Timeframe 6 months

Agency Internal

The Problem

Customers engage with multiple touchpoints but often have different experiences. Lacking a unified digital strategy, various teams across the bank onboarded several agencies that produced landing pages, microsites, and email templates with a disparate look and feel.

"How can we compete with other financial institutions in a growing digital market?"


  • Strengthen Discover’s digital brand by corralling a loose or inconsistent digital style.
  • Build a UI component library consistently applied across different digital touchpoints.
  • Improve the user experience with responsive design and optimize the information architecture to prioritize relevant content and reduce clicks.
Success Measurements
  • Reduce calls to customer support by 20%.
  • Increase mobile traffic by 60%.
  • Increase the time users spend on landing pages from 30 seconds/1 minute to 5 minutes.



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UX Design

Overall UX efforts prioritized information architecture and content finding through reducing clicks to find content, adding site search, and other content components to shorten page length.

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Visual Design

Visual design efforts established a standardized component library, improved the visual experience with large imagery, and enabled mobile users with responsive design.

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